Norbert Gschwend Partner
 Contact: 052 620 00 40
“Think and act freely and independently; only if these are no empty words but everyday life the customer gets the promised added value. Add to this the qualities “individual” and “personal” and you’ll have a real partnership.”

Norbert Gschwend has more than 37 years of professional experience as an account and asset manager with different big and small banks, ultimately he was director at the Notenstein La Roche Privatbank AG. Norbert Gschwend combines extensive experience with traditional private banking. Entire families have relied on him for several years now.


After having finished secondary school Norbert Gschwend did a bank apprenticeship with the Swiss Bank Corporation (today’s UBS). He spent several years abroad for example in Rome, Luxemburg, London and New York where he could enhance his banking knowledge. Living in different cultures and countries was an important enrichment and helps to better understand the complex problems of today. Several management trainings for example at the distinguished Wharton Business School in Philadelphia helped to build up the theoretical foundation of successful banking.


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Fronwagplatz 8

052 620 00 41

8201 Schaffhausen



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